35th Sino-Japanese Joint Chinese Ink Show, Tokyo, Japan
Connie accepting the Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China award for her painting “魚樂 Morning Swim” Congratulations Connie!
Welcome Year of the Dog
4号立春,是時候準備送鳮迎狗過新年了。在此向各位拜个早年,恭祝身心健康,家庭幸福,狗年好過鳮年時,藝術家們精益求精,更上一層楼. 希望自己努力,把好的作品放在網頁与大家交流 4th Feb is the first day of Spring in Chinese...
Award Winning 魚樂 ”Morning Swim”
魚樂 ”Morning Swim” won the "Award of Ambassador of People's Republic of China 🏆 ". Connie will be presented with the award at the 35th...